I Picked Up Webflow — Again

Senhor abdbasit
4 min readAug 30, 2023


The year was 2022. I looked around me and realized that I wanted to skill up as a freelance designer and be able to provide more services to my clients, so I decided to learn webflow. Like any normal individual trying to pick up a new tool, I went to Udemy and purchased a top-rated course on webflow. I had ample time and a good internet connection. I finished a couple of lessons and did some assignments as mandated by the tutor. Then I stopped, like many other people who have at a point taken a course online; we never seem to finish.

When I think about it now, the reason I stopped was because I was just replicating and not understanding what I was doing. I felt it was a difficult skill to pick up. I had a mental block and felt that I could not learn a new tool again. I had picked up After Effects prior and could not seem to understand it. I was really in a lot of dilemma. 2022 passed without me finishing the course; I also did not open the webflow designer.

It seemed like a mountain I’d never surmount.

In came 2023; it was a busy time as I had just moved to a new state and was deep into the web3 space, most especially hunting for whitelist spots for good projects on Solana and Ethereum blockchains. For a long while, I wasn’t focused on picking up a new software. Around May, I started to see info about a new low-code tool called Framer, and after seeing lots of people talking about how simple it was to use, I decided to hop on and try it out.

I searched on YouTube for tutorials and things to replicate. I didn’t see so many but I was determined to get it. I fired up the Framer designer, did a couple of things, but got stuck yet again. I was trying to create a website and pull things from the CMS, and this proved impossible. Sad to say, I gave up.

I checked a lot of profiles of designers on Twitter and I’m impressed with their portfolios. Many are Webflow-built and others on different low-code platforms. It was glaring that many designers like myself had picked up website development using low-code tools. I definitely didn’t want to be left hanging.

During this time, I came across a fellow designer who had picked up webflow in 2022 and was earning handsomely as a freelance webflow developer on Upwork. I was gob smacked. This was the push I needed.

I picked up webflow again, but this time I was determined to master it and become a pro at it. If others could, I definitely can. When it came to accessing resources, I decided to take a different approach by learning from the Webflow University. This proved to be an important move.

I went ahead with an open mind, going through a lot of courses on Webflow University. I began to understand the basics of designing for the web. By understanding the box model, I was able to mentally break things into divs. My mind was blown. I was beginning to awaken my drive for learning back. I felt confident replicating websites in Webflow and anytime I got stuck, I made sure to check YouTube or ask a few friends I follow on Twitter.

It’s been a month since I picked up Webflow again, and I’ve learned just so much in that time period that I regret not taking it seriously last year. Do I intend to stop practicing? Nah. I’m experiencing a rebirth and I’ll be sure to keep the momentum high. We make the best of what we have.

I intend to pick up illustration pretty soon. The goal is to be able to imagine things and give life to them with the skills I have. To become a well-rounded designer is a goal I strive to attain.

Lessons for everyone:

It’s okay to start again — learning a new skill can be difficult for anyone. The goal is always not to give up when things get tough. Go back at it and conquer it. You are capable.

Life is a journey — of continuous learning and growth. Embrace it and realize that you have to keep on improving to be able to compete favorably in society.

Time flies — don’t be found wanting. Time is a currency and it yields results if utilized well. A year consists of just 365 days. A day wasted is a day missed forever. Utilize the time you have diligently.

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